Aug 24, 2011

Anna : The Passion of India

In India, anti-corruption air is blowing heavily. It is also carrying positive attitude. I am stumbled upon seeing the fashionable and so-called modernized guys and gals wearing an old man’s cap, following a 74 years old man. Even it is more surprising that the person is no more a celebrity or not a Bollywood star. Then the question arises is why they all are following him? Who is he?

I hope we all know the answer. It is a buzz in today’s India. Where ever we go, we see the youngsters wearing a cap with pride. And that cap has a tag line: I’m Anna. It is Anna. Our Anna Hazare. He is not a celebrity, not a Bollywood star, even not a business tycoon nor a politician. Even he is not associated with any game. However, he has led the anti-corruption game. Because, he is simply Anna. He carries no burden of hypocrisy. But it is sure that he is a passionate. He has the passion to demolish corruption. He wants corruption free India.

That’s why, these guys & gals, from 18 to 30 years of age, are following him. Because of his positive passion, some of the Bollywood personalities have joined him. They have shown their support. It won’t be exaggeration, if I call him a modern Gandhi. I call him a Gandhi is because of his spirit for India.

Anna carries simplicity. He believes in simple living high thinking. He has awakened all Indians. Today, the newspapers, the news channels, the media and internet are speaking about Anna. Anna is a lighthouse. He has shown the path. And he started what others wanted to do. He is a real leader.

After Libya, it’s India’s turn. I’m more amazed seeing, watching, reading the news that not a single politician has given a statement. Every politician is dumb. As the woodworms decay the wood from inside, our politicians are decaying our India.

Thanks to Anna! He has lighted up the hope for better India. Now, it’s our turn to be passionate, to be one and united Indians. Let’s fire the passion carrying true responsibility.

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