Jun 25, 2013

Raanjhanaa :: Romantic Hindi Movie

The latest Bollywood release ‘Raanjhanaa’ is a romantic drama. Its heart-winning story has made the audience applaud the roles of the stars Sonam Kapoor, Dhanush and Abhay Deol. Fantastic works! And even the music from the Mozart of Madras adds glory to the songs and makes the viewers more romantic and leaves them awesome!

Raanjhanaa is really a love-story in the Ghats of Varanasi. A son of Hindu temple priest and a Muslim professor daughter meet each other then a romantic and thrilling story comes into existence. 

Kudos to Anand L Raj for this wonderful romantic genre! After a very long time, Bollywood has produced such a nice and lovely movie that has triggered the audiences and the crowd has been bursting into the cinema halls.

But of course, the twist has weakened the story and removes the hold of the watchers. Oh why so? This is what makes a fallen prey! However, you would really enjoy the movie and love to recite the songs.

Enjoy the Bollywood romance with friends!

कृतज्ञता अच्छी चीजों को कई गुना बढ़ा देती है।

जब कही से भी आपके हाथों में पैसा आए, तो कृतज्ञ हों, चाहें यह पैसा कितना ही कम क्यों न हो। याद रखे, कृतज्ञता अच्छी चीजों को कई गुना बढ़ा देती है।

किसी चीज के लिए पैसे देते समय प्रेम महसूस करे। इससे आप पैसे जाने का अफसोस करने के बजाय खुशी-खुशी पैसे देंगे। इन दोनों भावनाओं के बीच का अंतर बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है, क्योकि यही अथाह धन होने और जीवन भर पैसे के लिए संघर्ष करने के बीच का अंतर है।

धन सिर्फ एक साधन है, जिससे आप जीवन में अपनी प्रिय चीजे पा सकते है। प्रेम की आकर्षण शक्ति के पास आपकी मनचाही चीज आप तक पहुचाने के अनगिनत तरीके है; पैसा उनमे से एक है।
 जीवन का सौंदर्य यह है कि जब आप प्रेम को सबसे ऊपर रखते है, तो परिपूर्ण जीवन जीने के लिए जरुरी सारा पैसा खुदबखुद आपके पास आ जाता है।

Jun 24, 2013

इंसान  मकान बदलता है, वस्त्र बदलता  है,
दोस्त बदलता है, फिर भी वह दुखी रहता है,
क्योकि  वह  अपना  स्वभाव नहीं बदलता।
                                                स्वामी विवेकानंद

Jun 21, 2013

How to reduce the extra weight?

Life is full of new rays of the rising Sun. However, you sit in a corner in the world. Why so? Is it only because of your extra-weight? Hey, this is not something that has taken your life. It is just a matter of practice and you look more beautiful than ever.

 Here is a beginning of good things in your life. The first good thing about your life is you are thinking in a positive direction. You want to look gorgeous. So only a person with positivity can think such a big!

If you want to reduce the extra fats from your body and want to look slim and trim, start observing the food you are consuming every day. In how many hours you take food in? If you just come to know perfectly well about this, the weight reducing starts automatically.

Here how it works:
  • It works psychologically. Once you become aware that oh my God how much I am eating? The quantity would be going lesser and lesser. 
  • Even you can also help yourself and be alert when consuming the foods. Be conscious about the foods and take as less as you can. It does not mean you should remain hungry. Otherwise, you will start taking more food.
  • Observe a fast in a week. Oh this is something terrible! Not to worry! It means stay on the fruits. Have fruits and juice. Not dairy and bakery products. That’s it!
  • Begin practicing exercise every day in the morning or in the evening. Whichever time is suitable for you. 
  • Help in the daily works in the home to the family members. This will increase more confidence and improve relationship.
  • And yes, of course, walk backwards around 500 steps. This is the most important action that you should perform every day.
Within a month, you would feel that the extra-weight has started reducing. So, just continue this and enjoy your life.

Jun 20, 2013

जीवन को कैसे बनाये बेहतर?

जिन्दगी जीनि सबको पसन्द है। पर उसे किस मायनेमे जीना चाहिये वो बहूत ही निश्तित होना चाहिए।अब यह कौन निश्चित करेगा? मुझे लगता है कि आप खुद। हा, इसमें ज्यादा ज़िज़क ने की कोई बात नहीं है।
दराशल, आप ही वो अनोखे इन्शान हो। और कोई कुछ नहीं कर पायेगा।

तो अब तैयार हो जाइए कैसे निश्चित करना है जीने का तरीका। जीना बेहद आनंद पूर्ण होना चाहिए, मजेदार भी होना चाहिए। तो जीने को कैसे बेहतर बनाया जाए, यह आप अपनी खुद की आवाज़ से जान पाओगे। हां, यह बिल्कुल सही तरीका है खुद का जीवन बहेतर बनाने का।

आप शांत होकर बैठ जाइये फिर अपनी आत्मा से यह प्रश्न कीजिए। आप जरुर उसका एकदम सही जवाब पाएँगे।आप प्रार्थना करे खुद की आत्मा से। वो आप को १० ० % राह दिखाएगी। पर यह बहुत ही अहमीयत रखता है की आप शांत होकर बैठे हो।

अगर ऐसा किया तो कुछ ही दिनों में आप जान जाओगे आप के रह्श्य भरे जीवन को और शानदार बनाने का। हैना मजेदार ओर मुफ़्त रास्ता। बस धीरज रखना जरुरी है। तो आइये अपने जीवन को एक सुनिश्चित और समृद्ध बनाये साथ मिलकर।

आप सबको बहुत बहुत शुभ-कामनाए!         

Jun 19, 2013

How to get high level of energy?

When you hear something about energy level, you start thinking of energy drinks. If I am wrong! And it is because this is something essential for living healthy life. Yes, of course, one should live healthy and happy life.

However, you know the present situations of the mankind. You may have seen many people feeling stress, depression and mental disorders, though they have enough of wealth. Now, this sounds sad! Here comes a question of energy level. 

If you are having the so-called ‘energy drinks’, why then become a prey of nervous tension and strain. It means the drinks do not help or they may help for some moments. After that you are as usual as you were before taking them. 

Therefore, you require the natural energy that can heal you and leaves you in peace. Yes, you can receive that energy. That energy is called the Cosmic Energy. It governs life! It provides enough of energy to live life.
This cosmic energy can be obtained through Meditation. Meditation is a natural way to invite more energy to make life happier and healthier. And it also increases the energy level. With which you can perform your daily works in a balanced manner.

So, increase your energy level free of charge just meditating everyday!