Jun 21, 2010


The glowing beams of the shining and rising Sun, the coolness of the breeze, clouds turning reddish, the sweet murmuring of the leaves of the trees and the meditative chirping of the birds - going towards their new destination, with new zest, energize whole universe without any greedy expectation with fullest charm and magic it has.

This is the time which is called by billions of years, the Time of Morning.

Morning is very essential in Life. It is a very positive and powerful simile of life. It teaches us to be powerful and glowing with all our charm. When, morning falls on to the whole universe each and every corner of the world, whether desert or snow or just plain fields full of greenery with animals and on the other side the mankind, all feel awakening in themselves. Because, the nature of Morning is to shine on every animate or inanimate creature (thing) with its fullest grace.

So, it should be in us !!! Because, we're more luckier than the Sun. How can it happen ? The answer is : we are living, moving, having attitude and thinking while the source of power, the Sun is not moving. This is the simple reason to be the most luckiest.

So, friends, just awake from your deepest corner of the heart and shake yourself that you are the only source of power without which the universe will be of no importance.

Tell to yourself and understand your importance. That you are the moving sun. Just, you have forgotten it. Close your eyes and say it to your soul so that it awakens and drops the dogmas of the centuries... You are the God, you are the part of the whole Bhramanda (Bhram) , Universe. You can do anything. Just you're the only one to do it. Go and do it. The goal is waiting to be achieved, to be hit by you and only YOU. That's the Power....

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